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Kesselring News Stats

Welcome Guest

Unique Visits

Today = 7
This Month = 51
This Year = 7528
Total = 8770

Operating Systems

12.690992018244% of the hits are from computers using Linux
27.468643101482% of the hits are from computers using Windows
8.3010262257697% of the hits are from computers using Mac
48.312428734322% of the hits are from computers using Unrecognized Operating Systems

Internet Browsers

2.5541619156214% of the hits are from computers using FireFox
4.5267958950969% of the hits are from computers using Safari
26.693272519954% of the hits are from computers using Chrome
0.1254275940707% of the hits are from computers using Opera
7.69669327252% of the hits are from computers using Internet Explorer
58.403648802737% of the hits are from computers using Unrecognized Browsers